Vladimír Potančok

Vladimír Potančok, nickname Potkan (Rat/Mooshak), born in 1965, a graduate of ethnology and social anthropology at Comenius University in Bratislava. After travelling for years he now travels with ears. Originally a devoted jazz fan, he converted to world music at the end of the century. He started his career as a radio journalist with shows dedicated to jazz and world music at the independent student Radio Ragtime in the 90s. Later he worked in Dr. Horák CD shop, discussing music with his customers and writing reviews and other articles about music for local press and webzines. He acts also as a DJ at clubs or summer festivals occasionally, under nicknames Potkan or Mooshak. From 1st of December 2010 until today he regularly broadcasts a weekly two-hour radio show called Hudba_sveta (Music of the world) on Radio_FM, the fourth channel of the state Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS) in Bratislava. Member of WMCE panel, freelance advisor of Festival Pohoda at Trenčín, co-founder of the NGO World Music from Slovakia (2015) and World Music Festival Bratislava (2016).


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